The following information was given to the Mayor’s Office by Abner Oakes, Chairman of the Hamden Veteran’s Commission.

“On Sunday, Jan. 28, 1973, Connecticut’s First Freedom Tree was dedicated honoring America’s POW and MIAs. At 7 p.m. that Saturday the cease fire was officially declared. There were Connecticut parents in attendance who had just been advised that their son was now declared a P.O.W.
“The park at the corner of Dixwell and Whitney Avenues was chosen for the location by Mayor William Adams. Members of Hamden’s Junior Woman’s Club led by President Linda Carocari, Lyndell Betzner and Cynthia Oakes worked with Voices in Vital America to distribute over 15,000 POW/MIA bracelets with the help of local school children.”
For more on this story, visit: New Freedom Tree planted at Freedom Park – News – Post-Chronicle.
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