You can find me where we walked,
Among the trees and birds and deer and other more stealthy critters,
Where we muddied our wheels and soles,
Along the water flying kites or drinking sunset wine.
In the lakes, reservoirs, the Sound, the oceans
Where we swam and drowned our sorrows,
You can find me in all the places that touched our souls together,
Look for me where I look for you, and I’m there with you and you with me,
You can find me in the air around you, surrounding you, hugging you, kissing you,
In the wind and the flames brushing you and tickling you,
Bothering you and finally swallowing you,
I’m a bug in your ear,
A sound in the house that you’re certain you heard,
A cough or a hiccup, a foot on the stairs,
See me in something you haven’t seen in years.
Pick it up and find one of my hairs.
See me in the eyes and feel me in the hands and hearts of friends who greet you, hold you, comfort you,
Find me in the shirt I wore this morning working out while you slept,
I’m in the neck, loose and unbuttoned,
And I’m the lump in your throat when you speak or hear my name,
The lump that nearly chokes you,
Reminding you that I am here,
More than just a memory, a feeling.
Where I’ll Be | by cjzurcher

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