Building a Culture of Philanthropy; A Six-Part Series: #6 — Practical Ideas to Start Implementing Today | Passionate Giving

I hope that through this series you have begun to understand how important it is to develop a healthy, vibrant culture of philanthropy in your organization. Actually, it’s beyond important. Richard and I believe that it will be crucial if your organization is to be around in the next 10 years.

Yes, it’s that serious.

Folks, our industry has been talking about how we have to be donor-centered and donor-focused for a long time now. We can’t just give lip service to this any longer. It’s not just about thanking donors properly or sending out “donor-focused” newsletters (although both are important.) It’s about acting on a belief that our donors are part of our mission.

If we could do that, we would see a radical change in the non-profit world…a change that would not only affect how non-profits work, but a change in how donors respond to the world’s needs.

I want to leave you with a number of ideas, in addition to what I’ve laid out in my previous posts on this series, about how you can begin to build this new culture within your organization.

For more on this story, visit: Building a Culture of Philanthropy; A Six-Part Series: #6—Practical Ideas to Start Implementing Today. | Passionate Giving.

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