‘Come Together’ event to build community support for youth | Citywide Youth Coalition

September 16, 2011 – New Haven, CT – Three youth partnerships will host a community breakfast on Wednesday, September 21, from 8:30 to 12 noon, New Haven Job Corps, 455 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven to focus energy and commitment on issues related to positive youth development and support services.

The event will feature guest speakers, including state Rep. Toni Walker (93rd district, New Haven), legislative panel and youth panel discussions. Participants will be asked to reflect on the discussions and develop ideas for next steps in supporting youth in the community.

The event has been organized to increase knowledge about local efforts to support youth, spur greater action to support youth, and expand youth-adult partnerships in decision-making on issues that affect youth.

Working together for the first time to create such a shared community event are three groups; Citywide Youth Coalition, which promotes positive youth development, the Local Interagency Service Team, which focuses on juvenile justice, and the local Collaboratives, which provides wraparound services for children and youth with mental health issues.

Community members submitted questions for legislators and youth, on themes including: youth development, community violence, juvenile justice, education, service needs, and encouraging youth voice. Participating legislators include Senator Toni Harp (10th district, New Haven), and Representatives Gary Holder-Winfield (94th district, New Haven), Roland Lemar (96th district, New Haven), Peter Villano (91st district, Hamden), and Patricia Dillon (92nd district, New Haven).  Participating youth were recruited from Farnam Neighborhood House, Boys & Girls Club of New Haven, and Branford High School.

This event is organized by Citywide Youth Coalition, Local Interagency Service Team, the Collaboratives, sponsored by Empower New Haven and the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, and hosted by New Haven Job Corps.

Registration is accepted via web, links.cwyc.org/breakfast, and phone (203) 936-8010.

Photo/video opportunities: Wednesday, September 21, from 8:30 to noon

New Haven Job Corps, 455 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven, near Springside Ave. intersection

Citywide Youth Coalition Community Breakfast 8:30 a.m. to noon, Sept. 21, 2011, New Haven

September 16, 2011 – New Haven, CT – Three youth partnerships will host a community breakfast on Wednesday, September 21, from 8:30 to 12 noon, New Haven Job Corps, 455 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven to focus energy and commitment on issues related to positive youth development and support services.

The event will feature guest speakers, including state Rep. Toni Walker (93rd district, New Haven), legislative panel and youth panel discussions. Participants will be asked to reflect on the discussions and develop ideas for next steps in supporting youth in the community.

The event has been organized to increase knowledge about local efforts to support youth, spur greater action to support youth, and expand youth-adult partnerships in decision-making on issues that affect youth.

Working together for the first time to create such a shared community event are three groups; Citywide Youth Coalition, which promotes positive youth development, the Local Interagency Service Team, which focuses on juvenile justice, and the local Collaboratives, which provides wraparound services for children and youth with mental health issues.

Community members submitted questions for legislators and youth, on themes including: youth development, community violence, juvenile justice, education, service needs, and encouraging youth voice. Participating legislators include Senator Toni Harp (10th district, New Haven), and Representatives Gary Holder-Winfield (94th district, New Haven), Roland Lemar (96th district, New Haven), Peter Villano (91st district, Hamden), and Patricia Dillon (92nd district, New Haven).  Participating youth were recruited from Farnam Neighborhood House, Boys & Girls Club of New Haven, and Branford High School.

This event is organized by Citywide Youth Coalition, Local Interagency Service Team, the Collaboratives, sponsored by Empower New Haven and the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, and hosted by New Haven Job Corps.

Registration is accepted via web, links.cwyc.org/breakfast, and phone (203) 936-8010.

Photo/video opportunities: Wednesday, September 21, from 8:30 to noon

New Haven Job Corps, 455 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven, near Springside Ave. intersection

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